The concept of undergraduate research symposia was first introduced to the university system of Sri Lanka in 1993 by the deaprtment of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya. Since then, annual student reseach sessions had been a tradition of the faculty. In 2014, the faculty took another step forward by conducting a common student research symposium for the entire faculty. The FAuRS is providing a platform for graduting students to present their valuble final sesmter research findings and interact with experts in the sector, peers, and prospective employers. This will no doubt enhance the research culture within the faculty and the university system.
The Faculty of Agriculture Undergraduate Research Session (FAuRS) -2014 was successfully staged on 23rd December 2014, with the participation of 420, which includes 232 students, 122 invitees and 66 academic staff members of the Faculty of Agriculture. The event was graced by Prof. Janaka de Silva, Chairman of the National Research Council, as the chief guest and the invited speaker of FAuRS-214, and delivered the speech on "Scientific Research in Sri Lanka". The event was also graced by the Acting Vice Chancellor, Prof. M.D. Lamawansa.
Twenty seven oral presentations were held in three parallel sessions under the themes of
Twenty seven poster presentations were held as a single session.
Two hundred and forty three abstracts were compiled and published in the proceedings of the Faculty of Agriculture Undergraduate Research Symposium-2014 (FAuRS-2014) (ISSN 2420-7683). Five hundred copies of the proceedings were produced and the publication was sponsored by the University of Peradeniya.
All-together twelve best presenters were rewarded by cash awards and certificates representing three parallel sessions and poster session (three from each session). A gold medal for the overall best presenter was awarded by the A. Baur & Company, which is pledged to be continued in future FAuRS events as well. Three special cash prices and certificates were awarded to three best research projects with innovative impacts by Hybrid Technologies Pvt Ltd., and these awards will also be continued in future FAuRS events. All the paper and poster presenters were awarded a certificate of participation at FAuRS-2014.
The FAuRS-2014 was followed by the fellowship dinner. The main sponsor of the dinner was A. Baur & Company and the dinner was participated by around 500 including students, stakeholders and academics. The musical night at the fellowship dinner was successfully conducted by the Arts Circle of the Faculty of Agriculture.
• Prof. K. Samarasinghe | Dean/ Faculty of Agriculture |
• Prof. HW Cyril | Chairperson/ Research Committee |
• Prof. Pradeepa Silva | Coordinator/FAuRS-2014 |
• Prof. LHP Gunratne | Representative/ Dept. of Ag. Economics & Business Mgt. and PIC- HETC project (AgTech&Mgt program) |
• Prof. Swarna Wimalasiri | Representative/ Dept. of Food Science & Technology |
• Dr. SMC Himali | Representative/ Dept. of Animal Science |
• Dr. Venura Herath | Representative/ Dept. of Agricultural Biology |
• Dr. A. Karunaratne | Representative/ Dept. of Agricultural Engineering |
• Dr. Lalith Suriyagoda | Representative/ Dept. of Crop Science |
• Dr. Saman Dharmakeerthi | Representative/ Dept. of Soil Science |
• Ms. Madhavee Wijeratne | Representative/ Dept. of Agricultural Extension |
• Prof. DKNG Pushpakumara | Member for Fund Raising activities |
• Dr. Janak Vidanarachchi | Member for Fund Raining activities |
• Dr. Niranjan Rajapakshe | PIC – HETC project (BFST program) |
The organizing committee would like to keep in records its heartfelt gratitude to all the members of academic, academic support and non-academic staff of the Faculty of Agriculture, the student community and all those who supported in making FAuRS-2014 a success. A special word of appreciation is placed for Prof. Buddhi Marambe, Prof. Jeevika Weerahewa, Dr. Rohith Prashantha, Dr. Shamala Kumar, Dr. R.H.G. Ranil, Dr. Janakie Mohotti, Dr. Chalinda Benaragama, Dr. Pradeepa Bandaranayake, Dr. T. Madhujith, Dr. Barana Jayawardena, Dr. Suranga Kodithuwakku, Mr. Ajith Premachandra, Ms. Thushani Madhubhashini and Ms. J. Brasathe for shouldering different tasks in staging the FAuRS-2014