


The visit of the Prof. Keith Ho and Dr. Deng Wenjing from the Education University of Hong Kong

Prof. Keith Ho and Dr. Deng Wenjing from the Education University of Hong Kong visited the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya on 10th September, 2024. During their visit they met with the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Sarath Kodituwakku, and the Head of the Department and the staff of the Department of Soil Science and discussed potential collaborations in research and teaching programs. 

Prof. Ho is the head of the Department of Science and Environmental Studies in the Education University of Hong Kong and Dr. Deng is an Associate Professor of the same department. They are experts in environmental toxicology related research. Their research programs on indoor air quality assessments have contributed a lot to develop policies and guidelines in Hong Kong to assure a good quality environment in schools. 

Their purpose of visit to Sri L

anka was to attend the indoor air quality (IAQ) awareness program that they were co-coordinating with Prof. Warshi S. Dandeniya of the Department of Soil Science, aiming to increase awareness among school children on IAQ and its importance for  health. 

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