Frequently asked questions

Career Opportunities For Agriculture Graduates

  • Maintaining of high academic standards (FGPA)
  • Good professional and personal life
  • Presentation skill and good attitudes
  • Having publications in reputed journals and knowing common sense
  • English and IT Skill
  • Balance mindset with commonsense
  • Extra-curricular performances
  • Do not involve with harassments and ragging

  • University positions as academic staff members (Lecturers, Senior Lecturers etc.) and administrative staff such as Assistant Registrars.
  • Government Jobs such as Research Officer, Research Instructor (in many departments and institutes including Department of Agriculture, Department of Export Agriculture, Department of Animal Production and Health, Tea Research Institute, Rubber Research Institute, Coconut Research Institute, Sugarcane Research Institute etc.) At present many of these institutes are lead by the Faculty alumni.
  • Government jobs in Sri Lanka Administrative Services (Assistant Secretaries and Directors of many ministries and Assistant Government Agent positions in several places).
  • Government jobs in Sri Lanka Forest Services (Department of Forestry and Wildlife Conservation etc.)
  • Various positions in public and private banks.
  • Various positions in food industry.
  • Various positions in animal husbandry and fisheries sector.
  • Management Assistant, Director/CEO and many positions in Private Sector organization.
  • Many positions in national and international NGO sector.
  • Many positions in international organizations such as FAO, UN etc.
  • Sri Lanka Customs, Sri Lanka Foreign Services, Agriculture Sections of Sri Lanka Air force, Sri Lanka Navy and Sri Lanka Army.
  • Self-employed agricultural entrepreneurs in the area of production, processing, marketing, value addition etc.
  • Sri Lanka Teaching Service (Government and Private Sector).
  • Curators and landscape gardening
  • You can apply for fellowships and scholarships for postgraduate educations
  • Many Alumini of the Faculty are in good positions in Australia, UK, US, Canada, EU Countries, New Zealand, Japan in relation to agriculture, administration and many other services.1

Degree Program Requirements

  • If you pass the GCE (A/L) examination as defined by the UGC handbook or the Faculty Prospectus and if you are enthusiastic enough rest of the things will be provided by the Faculty.

  • Theoretically, one semester is 15 weeks, however, practically due to holidays it goes to 16-17 weeks. Then one week of study leave and 3 weeks of examination with gaps make it 21 weeks.
  • That’s mean one semester consume 21-22 weeks including examinations

  • Effective date is the date you complete all requirements to get your degree. Convocation date is the date you receive the degree certificate ceremonially. Effective date is important for applying jobs, scholarships etc. Earlier you graduate more the options are.

  • Minimum of 126 credits for BSc Agricultural Technology and Management
  • Minimum of 128 credits for BSc Food Science and Technology
  • Minimum of 118 and maximum of 128 credits for BSc Animal Science and Fisheries

  • See Prospectus or Faculty web to see structure of each degree program.

  • Yes, you check with parallel colleagues of other Faculties.
  • We have many different aspects, i.e. leadership and team building program, Sinhala for Tamil and Tamil for Sinhala students, supplementary and complementary courses etc but we finish earlier than all other Faculties of Agriculture.

  • Yes, it is unique; however, others also change once we did it. Now we are in the process of changing ours.

  • You can obtain from Head of Departments or timetables.

  • In case of B.Sc. AgTech&Mgt, you should have CGPA of 2.00 at the end of the core program. Other degree programs, no such requirement.

  • It is the place to shine your talents in terms of presentation skill, public speaking, quick answering of questions, improve emotional intelligence, obtain patent, photography, organization, research communications etc.


  • Yes, because it is the place where your transformations happen. It will give confidence on ground situation of agriculture. You will never get this experience from anywhere in Sri Lanka.

  • The courses will be assessed on a continuous basis to provide an opportunity for a student to receive a feedback on his/her performance during the course.
  • Every course will have more than one assessment, conducted at the critical stages of learning of the course.
  • Appropriate assessment procedure/s, the percentage contribution of each assessment including independent learning activities to the final mark, and the appropriate stage (time/level) of assessment for each course will be determined by the course coordinator and should be approved by the relevant Department of Study.
  • The approved assessment procedure for a given course will be made known to the students at the commencement of the course.
  • Make?up examinations will be arranged only for the in?course assessments under valid circumstances, as decided by the teacher/course coordinator.
  • Please read lesson plans of MI Program subjects. You can calculate your marks based on such plan. For example, assessment strategy for MI Crop Production Technologies Course (CS 1101 5:19/112/36 is as follows)

    1. Practical (continuous evaluation) 67%

    Field oral examination     10%
    Spot test      10%
    Assignments    12%
    Field performance (skills)    25%
    Plant protection     10%

    Before the end semester examination, theoretically you can obtain more than 50% of marks.

    2. End term examination (theory paper) 33%

    Assessment strategy for MI Soil Resource and Ecosystem (SS 1101 2:15/30/20 is as follows)

    1. Continuous assessments: 62.5%

    Assignment 1     5.0%
    Assignment 2      5.0%
    Quiz 1    7.5%
    Quiz 2    20%
    Spot test     20%
    Practical Record book     7.5%

    Here also before the end semester examination, theoretically you can obtained more than 50% of marks.

    2. End semester examination: 37.5%


  • It is 6 credits for the case of BSc AgTech& Mgt and BSc ASF and 8 credits in the case of BSc FST. So impact on your GPA.

  • You have to repeat or finish it. If for acceptable reason, if permission is granted by the faculty Board then you will get your degree with class but effective date should be the date you submit the report. If no permission obtained by the Faculty Board, then your effective date is the date you submit the report and you will not be eligible for classes.

  • Follow “Student’s Handbook on Preparation of Research Project Report (4200 Series)”.


  • To follow the courses in the Advanced Program of the B.Sc. Agricultural Technology and Management degree, a student must obtain a minimum CGPA of 2.0 in the core program.
  • Selecting of majoring module is based on student choice or preference.
  • Faculty developed different modules to add diversity to our students. All modules are having job but some jobs are specific for certain modules.
  • Majoring module is selected towards the latter part of 3100 Series.
  • Your advanced module is only one element of your intellectual experience at the Faculty, but it will determine the main focus of your studies for your final one and half years at the Faculty. So, you will want to select a Department that is a good fit for your interests, talents and goals.
  • You might ask yourself: in what department will the requirements, course offerings and independent work allow me to study what I love? Where will I excel and develop the specific skills that matter to me? Where will I learn things that will help me make a difference in the world? And where will I find the mentors and peers best suited to me?
  • Bear in mind that while your advanced module is a significant part of your Faculty experience, what you learn in your advanced module will be complemented by your core program and other supplementary and complementary courses, in-plant training, study abroad experiences and extra-curricular activities. Moreover, every advanced program teaches you to think critically and creatively, perform research and communicate your ideas-skills that will serve you well whatever your path after graduation.
  • We encourage you to thoughtfully explore different departments in your first two years at the Faculty before deciding which one is best for you. One of the best ways to explore is to sample potential advanced program by simply taking courses in them. In addition, there are an abundance of advising resources available at the Faculty to guide you.
  • It is based on your choice. If you are doubt, better if you talk to your advisor, Head of Department, Dean or module coordinator or SAWC members.


  • A+ is given only to those who obtain a distinctly high mark (over 90) and are outliers of the marks’ distribution.

  • For the pass grade to obtain in any subject, the threshold level of grading is equivalent to a C- (38 marks). To pass a credited course a student should achieve a minimum of ‘C-’ grade.

  • If he/she wishes to upgrade the grade of the subject and GPA, yes, he/she has to.
  • If his/her FGPA is less than 2.00, then he/she has to upgrade C- till he/she reaches required FGPA.
  • You can keep any number of C- but FGPA at the time of completion must reach 2.00.

  • The maximum number of repeat attempts for a course shall be two (2).
  • If a student did not satisfy the requirement of a course (minimum achievement within 3 attempts), a grace attempt can be considered by the Faculty Board only with a written request from the student with a valid reason.
  • All grades below C? should be improved at the first available opportunity.

  • If one subject repeat you will not lose your class but if time period you taking complete your degree program exceed the stipulated time period, then answer is yes, you lose your class.


  • GPA stands for Grade Point Average. It is a standard way of measuring academic achievement in the course unit system. Basically, each course is given a certain number of "credits", depending on the content of the course ranging from 1 credit to 6 or 8 credits in final year project. GPA assumes a grading scale of A+, A, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, E. Each grade is assigned a number of grade points as given in the following table.


  • GPA stands for Grade Point Average. It is a standard way of measuring academic achievement in the course unit system. Basically, each course is given a certain number of "credits", depending on the content of the course ranging from 1 credit to 6 or 8 credits in final year project. GPA assumes a grading scale of A+, A, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, E. Each grade is assigned a number of grade points as given in the following table.
    Letter Grade* Grade Point Letter Grade* Grade Point
    A+ / A 4.0 C 2.0
    A- 3.7 C- 1.7
    B+ 3.3 D+ 1.3
    B 3.0 D 1.0
    B- 2.7 E 0.0
    C+ 2.3    
  • If you take a 3 credits course and receive an A grade, you receive 3 credits times 4 points (for the A), which gives a total of 12 grade points for the course.
  • If you take a 1 credit course and receive a B+ grade, you receive 1 credit times 3.3 points (for the B+), which gives a total of 3.3 grade points for the course.
  • Let's say you also take a 2 credits course and receive a C+ grade. That is 2 credits times 2.3 points for 4.6 points.
  • So for your three courses you have accumulated 19.9 (12+3.3+4.6) grade points for the 6 credits. You then divide the accumulated grade points by the number of credits and you have your GPA. (19.9/6=4.42), so your GPA is 3.32, which is slightly higher than a B+ average.
  • Now, you may be able to calculate your grade point average. Mathematically, GPA can be calculated as follows:

GPA = åGi Ci / å Ci
where, Gi = grade point of the ith course
Ci = number of units of the ith course

  • CGPA stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average. If we are to identify the overall best student up to the end of 3100 series, we will calculate total GPA up to 3100. This is used to identify candidates for scholarship etc.

  • FGPA stands for Final Grade Point Average. The FGPA for the degree program will be calculated at the completion of all requirements for the degree, as follows:

FGPA = å(aj Tj Pj) /å (aj Tj)

where, aj = 20, 25, 25 and 30 percentages for the first, second, third and fourth academic years, respectively.

Tj = total course units credited in year j

Pj = GPA in year j

The FGPA will be rounded to the second decimal place. The classes will be awarded to students based on the FGPA as given below:

Level of performance FGPA
First class ? 3.70
Second class (upper) 3.30-3.69
Second class (lower) 3.00-3.29
Pass 2.00-2.90

To be eligible for a class, the requirements for any of the three degree programs should be successfully completed within four (4) academic years (now within 9 academic semesters), except on grounds acceptable to the University Senate.

  • It should not be GPA. Students must obtain a minimum FGPA of 2.00 to be eligible for the award of respective degree.

  • Grade Point Average (GPA) is important criteria for recruitment process of several jobs where they requested classes and points are allocated based on the class obtained.
  • For example, recruitment to academic staff, if you are having first class you will get 10 points whereas second class upper division will get only 8 points.

  • The following simple tips may be useful for you to obtain a better grade and save you precious study time
  • Live joyfully, smiling, being optimistic, and keep up your own motivation.
  • Do not underestimate your capabilities of achieving a higher grade.
  • Try to avoid getting in trouble. Follow rules. Be respectful and honorable. Be prompt to class (never tardy).
  • Know how you learn and adapt to better learning options.
  • Before end semester examination, calculate marks for your continuous assessments, if you miss any assessments inform at right time and request a make-up examination.
  • Get organized and manage your time well.
  • Make smart, focused friends and make them to your advantage. Spend your free time with them - just watching each other study. Pick up on their better habits.
  • Make friends who took the class.
  • Participate in class.
  • Get to know your teachers. Ask question from teacher. If your teacher has office hours, go to them. If not, seek them out after class.
  • If you are having trouble with the class material, ask the teacher or temporary staff clarification of difficult concepts. This seems like a no brainer, but many students feel embarrassed and never get the help they need.
  • Take advantage of technology. The world you live in is amazing. Use them.
  • Finish homework early so you are not stressed out.
  • Do not wait until the last moment to finish assignments and home works.
  • Eat healthily and get enough rest.
  • Having a mentor (advisor) can be incredibly helpful if you are struggling with your grades. Not only can they help you study (or find resources for help), but they can offer you emotional support and guidance as well.

  • You start with higher GPA value. Do not need to regret later.

  • Identify your credit requirement, assume your expected grade and apply to formula, you will get your GPA. Adjust grades; you can see how you improve it. If you can do it for all semesters, then you can identify status of your results.


  • Facilities for all sport activities (indoor and outdoor).
  • Many University Student Societies (University Explorer’s Club, Gandarwa Sabawa etc.) and Many Faculty Societies (Arts Circle, AFELA, Forestry Society, Biology Guild etc) for various activities.
  • Facilities for improvement of IT skill (University IT Centre and Faculty e-Hub).
  • For reading and knowledge enhancement (Library network, including Agriculture Library).
  • For English language training ELTU.
  • For health and mental improvement (University Health Centre, University Career Guidance Unit, Faculty Career Guidance Unit, Faculty Student Counselors and Student Advisory and Welfare Committee). If necessary, the Faculty arranges special session for counseling by professional counselors.
  • Faculty outreach arms for various activities (Agribusiness centre, Agriculture Education Unit, Agricultural Biotechnology Centre and Community Development Unit).
  • Faculty farms to obtain various skills (Dodangolla Experimental Station, Mawela Livestock Farm, MI Sub Campus and Meewathura Farm).

  • You can get Mahapola (needy and merit basis) but you need to apply at the time of registration at UGC.
  • You can get Bursaries but apply once you enter to the Faculty.
  • Refer Student Guide Book or Faculty web to identify over 100 financial support available to students of the Faculty (this includes Needy Student Scholarship Fund – 28 scholarships; 84/85 Batch Prof. UR Sangakkara Memorial Scholarship - 2-3 Needy Scholarships; SriLanKoRA Scholarship Program (8 Scholarships) - 4 needy basis and 4 merit basis scholarships; 82-83 Scholarship – 2 scholarships based on merit; 78-82 US Pear Ag Scholarship – 2 scholarships; Australian Colleagues and Plantation MSc scholarships – 6 scholarships; Department of Agricultural Economics and Business Management Scholarship –4 scholarships for needy students; 74/78 UPAB Batch scholarship – 2 scholarships; AAUP Studentships – 6 scholarships; Well wishers scholarships – 7 scholarships; Prof. UR Sangakkara Memorial Scholarship establish by his brother – 2 scholarships; Mr. Kanagaraja Scholarship – 9 scholarships; East-West Seed Simon N. Groot Scholarship – 1 scholarship). Students need to apply for these scholarships when advertised.
  • Scholarships, medals and prizes listed in the prospects are based on academic merits defined by the various criteria (see Prospectus for details).

  • The degree programs of the Faculty are conducted only in English medium. So, English language is necessary
  • There are classes conducted for weak students by ELTU and Faculty Language Teaching Committee (LTC).
  • In addition volunteers from English speaking countries are also conducted for students.


  • A series of compulsory courses (non-credited) designed to improve the language skills, mathematics, laboratory skills, and computer skills of the undergraduate students of the Faculty are offered before the degree program (supplementary) and during the degree program (complementary).
  • Passing of defined non credited courses for respective degree programs according to the prospectus is necessary to obtain the degree.


  • Life skill development program at the beginning of the program
  • Team working skills and leadership development program at the beginning
  • Portfolio development
  • In-plant training
  • Communication and presentation skills (right throughout the program and FAuRS)
  • Social etiquette program
  • Productivity enhancement course


  • Deferment is possible once you registered at the UGC and enrolled at the Faculty.
  • If any student wishes to get his/her registration deferred at the time of registration (enrollment), he/she shall inform the University (Faculty) giving reasons for such deferment and obtain permission from the University. The University may not grant permission if the reasons given are not acceptable.
  • Requests for deferments shall be considered on a case by case basis.
  • The conditions to be applied/ or stipulated for deferments should be specified at the time of consideration of such requests.
  • When deferment is granted, the period of deferment shall not exceed one academic year except on approved medical grounds. The period of deferment granted on medical grounds shall not exceed two academic years.
  • The period of deferment granted by the Admission Committee will be exempted from the maximum duration allowed for an academic program. Such leave should have prior approval.

  • Whenever a student fails or unable to attend an academic program for over reasonable period (week or two or more), the student or his/her parent/guardian should inform as soon as such inability is recognized this to the Dean of the Faculty concerned. However, within 2 weeks of such notice, the student should ensure to send a written communiqué to this effect to the Dean or the SAR/AR of the Faculty. Registered students who fail to do so will be considered to have abandoned their academic programs and their requests for re-admission will not be entertained. The period of absence is called as leave of absence.
  • When leave of absence is granted, the period of leave of absence shall not exceed one academic year except on approved medical grounds. The period of leave of absence granted on medical grounds shall not exceed two academic years.
  • The period of leave of absence granted valid accepted reason or medical by the Admission Committee will be exempted from the maximum duration allowed for an academic program. Such leave should have prior approval.
  • If a student fails to have his/her registration renewed within the period specified by the Faculty at the beginning of each academic year, his/her studentship will be cancelled. When the registration of a student is cancelled, he/she shall be informed of such cancellation in writing.

  • Every candidate who registers for a course/course unit shall be deemed to have sat the examination of that course/course unit unless he/she withdraws from the course/course unit within the prescribed period for dropping courses/course units.
  • He/ She should submit a medical certificate in support of his/her absence, prior to the commencement of the examination.
  • If such a document cannot be submitted before the commencement of the examination, a candidate shall inform in writing of his/her inability to attend the examination to the Dean or SAR/AR of the Faculty within two week after the commencement of the examination with the supporting documents by registered post. The medical certificate shall conform to the Senate Regulations.
  • See “Regulations relating to examination procedure, offences & punishments for examinations conducted under the semester?based course unit system” for more details. The document is available on the Faculty web and shared with you.


Procedure approved by the University of Peradeniya for the acceptance of medical certificates submitted by students for work and examinations

1. Students are requested to support the absence from course work or examination due to illness by a valid medical certificate conforming to the format of a medical certificate issued by a government hospital. Such medical certificate should be obtained from the following persons: (i) University Medical Officer (UMO), (ii) District Medical Officer, (iii) Consultant Specialist in the particular field, (iv) Head of a Government Base Hospital, (v) Medical Superintendent of a Provincial Ayurvedic Government Hospital, or (vi) Ayurvedic Physician registered in the Council. Only under exceptional circumstances, medical certificates issued by private hospitals or registered private practitioners could be considered by the University Medical Board.

2. Students who fall ill during sessions or examination time should contact the University Medical Officer at the University Health Centre immediately. If a student falls sick at home or elsewhere during sessions or examination time he/she or his/her guardian should inform the Dean of the respective Faculty within seven (7) days by telegram/fax/e?mail followed by a letter indicating the nature of the illness and the name of the attending doctor, etc. A medical certificate supporting the illness of the student also should be sent to the Dean or SAR/AR. Under exceptional circumstances if a student was not able to meet the deadline mentioned above, he/she could send his/her appeal to the relevant Faculty Board.

The Dean/SAR/AR on receipt of such medical certificate/s should follow the following procedure:

I. Depending on the type of medical (Western Medical or Ayurvedic Medical Certificates) submitted by students to cover absence from course work or examination, medical certificates should be referred to the relevant medical board of the University for Observations and recommendations.

a. The CMO/Ayurvedic Medical Officer in turn examines the certificate and if he/she wishes could summon the student for examination and thereafter send his/her observations and recommendations to the Dean.

b. In cases where the CMO/Ayurvedic Medical Officer wishes to convene the relevant Medical Board he/she may make arrangements to convene the the Board and refer the recommendations of the Board to the Dean.

c. The Dean on receipt of such recommendations for the CMO/Ayurvedic Medical Officer or relevant Medical Board should send it to the Faculty Board for ratification.


II.In the case of Ayurvedic Medical Certificates submitted by students to cover absence from coursework or examinations, the following procedure should be followed:

a. Ayurvedic medical certificates submitted by student in respect of absence from examinations or course work should be circulated among the members of the Ayurvedic Medical Board for their observations by the Senior Assistant Registrar/Assistant Registrar in charge of student registration of each Faculty in consultation with the Deans of the respective Faculties.

b.Each member of the Ayurvedic Medical Board may send his/her observations and recommendations on the face of the medical certificate to the Dean 'of the respective Faculty through the Senior Assistant Registrar/Assistant Registrar of the Faculty;

c.In cases where the opinions of the members of the Ayurvedic Medical Board vary, the Senior Assistant Registrar or Assistant Registrar of the Faculty in consultation with the Dean of the Faculty may take steps to convene a meeting of the Ayurvedic Medical Board.

d.If the members of the Ayurvedic Medical Board think that the medical certificates should be examined at a meeting of the Board, the Dean of the Faculty should be informed accordingly.

e.If the members wish to examine the students concerned, they could be summoned before the Medical Board through the Senior Assistant Registrar/Assistant Registrar of the Faculty.

f.The recommendation of the Ayurvedic Medical Board should be sent to the Faculty Board through the Dean of the Faculty for ratification.

g.The original copies of the Ayurvedic Medical Certificate submitted by students should be kept in the files of the students concerned and copies of such certificates should be sent to the Chief Medical Officer for purposes of record.


  • January 1st multi religious function to bless all staff
  • Sinhala and Tamil new year celebration (Bak maha ulela)
  • Faculty of Agriculture undergraduate Research Symposium (FAuRS)
  • Annual Sharmadana campaign
  • Felicitation ceremony for retired staff members
  • Familiarization visit to India, Japan etc.
  • Year end get-together
  • Staff Annual Get-together
  • Farmer Day at MI
  • Elysium
  • Annual Research Excellence Award
  • Orientation program for new entrants and temporary staff
  • Faculty meet and day
  • Many other student functions


  • The Faculty has agreed in principle with the “Accessibility for Disabled Persons in terms of the Protection of the Rights in Accordance with Disability Act No 28 of 1996” but has not admitted disabled persons yet. However, the Faculty has taken actions to facilitate access to temporarily differently-abled persons by (i) ensuring the accessibility to all main premises, especially the lecture rooms of the Faculty premises through wheel chairs, ramps, elevators; (ii) facilitating to carry out the learning activities without interruption for those students who have vision- and hearing-related or any other issues; and that a mechanism is in place to support students with special needs/differently-abled students at examinations (within certain regulations, in order to be fair by all, as per faculty policy).


  • Yes, the Faculty and University policy on prevention of discrimination is adopted and implemented at the Faculty

    i. Code of conduct for academic staff of the University of Peradeniya

    i. Guidelines for professional conduct of academic staff of Faculty of Agriculture

    ii. Policy on sexual harassment and sexual violence

    iii. By laws promulgated under the policy on sexual harassment and sexual violence at University of Peradeniya is enforced at Faculty level.

    iv. Prohibition of Ragging and Other Forms of Violence in Educational Institutions Act No 20 of 1998.


  • See Prospectus, Student Guide Book and Faculty web.

  • No restriction at all from the Faculty or University administration.

  • This is not a problem at all if you inform the need to respective lecturers, course coordinators. They allow you to leave earlier than scheduled time. What is need is you have to discuss with lecturers and give your names to him/her with respect to missing sessions and have a discussion on what is missing in agreed time.
  • From hall of residences, girls can obtain late passes.

  • Again, this is also not a problem at all if you inform the need to respective lecturers, course coordinators in advance. Faculty Board has granted permissions to attend all requests made by students if came with approval of Director/Physical Education. Mid semester examination may not be re-scheduled but such students can request a make-up examination. You do not need to wait for the next year.

  • Example - During the SLUG time attendance was not given to the students who went there as official photographers, by saying there is no any law to give attendance to them.

  • No one can give attendance to any student but permissions are granted to students for attending any acceptable activities. Then student can discuss matters with such staff to understand the content of missing classes etc. This is the arrangement what we are having for that you have to make close contacts with lectures/course coordinators.


  • The Faculty offers three residential degree programs. All degree programs are full time course. Hence, more you attend better you going to be, 100%attendance is the requirement.
  • You need at least 80% attendance to sit for end semester examination of each subject.

  • You are doing the course not to satisfy attendance. If you have valid reasons and come across at right time, you have many options. Please see the process. Once you miss the bus you have to wait for the next.


  • The Faculty and University offer overseas scholarships to undergraduates with several foreign Universities including:


>Short Term Visit

  • 1Tokyo University of Agriculture (Tokyo Nodai), Japan – Faculty will select two 3100 series students to attend International Student Summit (ISS). Tokyo Nodai also provides opportunity for one student of the Faculty to follow their undergraduate program after completion of the first year academic program of the Faculty.
  • Saga University Short Term Student Exchange Program, Japan - Faculty will provide 4-5 (out of two students are from Department of Agricultural Economics and Business Management and Department of Agricultural Extension) opportunities to 3100 series students to visit Saga University to engage in workshops/training programs etc.
  • Jeju University, Korea Student Exchange Program - Faculty will provide 2-3 opportunities to 3100 series students to visit Jeju University, Korea for research and training activities.
  • Student Exchange for Rural Immersion Program with Thiagarajar School of Management, Madurai, Tamil Nadu This program will allow final year students of Department of Agricultural Economics and Business management and one each from all other seven Departments and two students from BSc FST and BSc ASF attend the rural emersion program in India.
  • Transelvania University of Brasov (TUB), Rumania – This will provide opportunity for final year students to interact with forestry students of TUB in Romania.
  • he Faculty also send students to represent International Conferences and Workshops etc. (for example International Organic Conference, New Delhi, India, 2017).
  • The Faculty also encourage and facilitate students of all years to apply for international competitions such as Young Agriculturists by Bayer etc.
  • The Faculty will also provide financial support for students to represent the Faculty, University and Country in International events, sport competition, debate competitions etc.

  • Saga University Program for Academic Exchange (SPACE), Japan - Faculty will provide 1-2 opportunities to 3100 series students to conduct their final year research project in Saga University.
  • Obihiro University Program for Research, Japan - Faculty will provide 1-2 opportunities to 3100 series students to conduct their final year research project in Saga University.
  • Tokyo Nodai student exchange program where two students who completed the first year will join the Tokyo Nodai to conduct their undergraduate degrees at Tokyo Nodai. They will get degree from Tokyo Nodai.

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