
The poultry unit maintains an egg producing flock for teaching and research purposes of our undergraduates and outside farmers. Farm stock include broilers, layers, quails, turkey and poultry miscellaneous. The farm processes eggs produced by the all breeds which are then sold in the farm sales centers. We are rearing around 400 shaver layer strains, brought from CIC hatchery. The purpose of raising them is to provide a sufficient supply of eggs to the university community.

The farm has incubator space for 600 - 800 eggs. we produce good quality day old birds to outside farmers as a source of income to farm. We also run a broiler unit in our farm using our available facilities. Having a broiler unit in the farm is a very important part of the business since the unit increases the farm's income.

Poultry Miscellaneous Unit covers the variety of chicken breeds available in Sri Lanka and is a valuable resource for students interested in learning about all types of chickens.

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