Chairman (2024 Oct. – to date)
National Institute of Postharvest Management (NIPHM)
Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Livestock, Irrigation, Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, SRI LANKA
President (2024 - to date)
Institute of Biology (IOB)-Sri Lanka (
2025: Pasan, A.J.R.P., Prasantha, B.D.R. and Amarathunga, K.S.P. (2025). Relationship between milk stability and physico-chemical characteristics of raw milk of different breeds during storage at ambient temperature. Sri Lankan Journal of Biology, 10 (1): 1-11. doi:
2025: Bandara, A.G.A., Batugahage, B.D.U.R. Prasantha, B.D.R., and Senanayake, D.M.J.B. (2025). Impact of amylose content on physical properties, cooking qualities, and water absorption of long-grain basmati-type rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties. Ceylon Journal of Science, 54 (1): 213-222.
2024: Rebeira, S., Jayatilake, D., Prasantha, B.D.R., Kariyawasam, T. and Suriyagoda, T. (2024). Assessment of antioxidant properties in selected pigmented and non-pigmented rice (Oryza sativa L.) germplasm and determination of its association with Rc gene haplotypes. BMC Plant Biology, 24: 884.
2024: Nikalansooriya, N.M.A.I., Somaratne, G.M., Maithreepala, S.D., Gunasekara, D.C.S., Wijekoon A.P., Dahanayake, T.N., Sandaruwan, N.B.L., Karunarathna, H.K.A.T., Madhumali, K.D.U., Abeysiriwardena, D.S.D.Z., Chandrasekara, A. and Prasantha, B.D.R. (2024). Establishing protocols for glycaemic index clinical trials in an academic setting in Sri Lanka. Tropical Agricultural Research & Extension 27 (3): 157-170.
2024: Rebeira, S.P., Jayatilake, D.V., Prasantha, B.D.R., Menike, B.M.K.S., Piyasiri, C.H., Weerasinghe, W.D.P. and Samarasinghe, W.L.G. (2024). Assessment of advanced breeding lines of rice (oryza sativa l.) for nutritional and nutraceutical grain quality characteristics. Tropical Agriculturist. 172(3): 16-30
2024: Sachinthaka, P.P.S., Liyanage, K.L.N.U., Somaratne, G.M., Hettiarachchi, A., Chandrasiri, K.A.K.L., Amarasinghe, A.A.P.S., Silva, F.H.C.A., How, M.S. and Prasantha, B.D.R. (2024). An in-vitro gastric digestion model with peristalsis function for the analysis of the food gastric digestion. Ceylon Journal of Science, 53 (3): 349-355. 10.4038/cjs.v53i3.8200
2024: Senaweera, Y.T. and Rohitha Prasantha, B.D. (2024). Structural and Elemental Analysis of Waraka and Wala Jackfruit Seed Flour Samples by SEM-EDX Method. Tropical Agricultural Research. 35(2):169-174.
2023: Prasadi, V.P.N., Somaratne,G.M., Rohitha Prasantha, B.D., Abeyrathne, C.K., Abhayawardhana, P.H.R.M.M., Wimalasiri, K.M.S. (2023) Effect of hermetic storage on end-use quality characteristics mungbean (Vigna radiate (L.) R. Wilczek) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.). Journal of Stored Product Research, 104, 102197.
Bandara, A.G.A., Prasantha, B.D.R., Kemashalini, K. and Chandrasiri, K.A.K.L. (2023) Physicochemical, rheological and moisture adsorption characteristics of two basmati rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties differing in amylose content. The Journal of Agricultural Sciences-Sri Lank, 18 (1), 154-171.
2022: Rebeira, S.P., Prasantha, B.D.R., Jayatilake, D.V., Dunuwila, G.R., Piyasiri, C. H. and Herath, H.M.K.W.P. (2022). A comparative study of dietary fiber content, In vitro starch digestibility and cooking quality characteristics of pigmented and non–pigmented traditional and improved rice (Oryza sativa L.). Food Research International, 157, 111389 (online first).
Rebeira, S.P., Menike, B.M.K.S., Bentota, A., Senanayake, D.M.J.B., Prasantha, B.D.R., Champika, N.D.V., Padmalatha, D.K., and Kumarihamy, K.M.K. (2022). Nutrient Composition and In-Vitro Starch Digestibility of Selected Rice Varieties (Oryza sativa L.) in Sri Lanka. Tropical Agriculturist, 170 (2), 1-11.
2021: Dissanayake, S., Rankoth, L., Gunathilaka, W.M.N.D., Prasantha, B.D.R., and Marambe, B. (2021). Utilizing food legumes to achieve iron and zinc nutritional security under changing climate. Journal of Crop Improvement, 35 (5), 700-721. DOI: 10.1080/15427528.2021.1872754
2021: Sinthu R., Prasantha B.D.R. and Hettiarachchi A. (2021). Comparative study of grain quality characteristics of some selected traditional and improved rice varieties in Sri Lanka: a review. CARP - Sri Lanka Journal of Food and Agriculture. 7(1), 13-30. DOI:
2020: Koralegedara, K. G. I. D., Hettiarachchi, C. A., Prasantha, B. D. R. and Wimalasiri, K. M. S. (2020). Synthesis of nano-scale biopolymer particles from legume protein isolates and carrageenan. Food Technology and Biotechnology, 58(2), 214-222.
2020: Rohitha Prasantha, B.D. (2020). Effect of high temperature extracted plant material fume against southern cowpea weevil (Callosobruchus chinensis L.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) as a non-chemical novel fumigation technique. Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture, 7:22.
2020: Nirmaan, A.M.C., Prasantha, B.D.R. and Peris, B.L. (2020). Comparison of microwave drying and oven drying techniques for moisture determination of three paddy (Oryza sativa L.) varieties. Chemical and Biological Technologies in Agriculture, 7:1-Jan 23. doi:10.1186/s40538-019-0164-1.
2020: Prasantha, B.D.R. (2020). Effects of low-pressure storage of food commodities on the mortality of sored product insects. Sri Lankan Journal of Biology, 5(1), 8-14. DOI:
2019: Prasantha, B.D.R., Wimalasiri, K.M.S. (2019). Effect of HTST thermal treatments on end-use quality characteristics of goat milk. Hindawi- International Journal of Food Science, Article ID 1801724, pp. 9 pages,
2019: Prasantha, B.D.R., Reichmuth, Ch. and Adler, C. (2019). Lethality and kinetic of diatomaceous earth uptake by the bean weevil (Acanthoscelides obtectus [Say] Coleoptera: Bruchinae): Influence of short-term exposure period. Journal of Stored Products Research. 84 (December), 101509,
2018: Anjana, J.A, Rohitha Prasantha, B.D, Amaratunga, S. and Marambe, B. (2018). Increased rate of potassium fertilizer at time of heading and delayed harvesting enhance the quality of direct-seeded rice. Chemical and Biological Technique in Agriculture. 5:22, 1-9. (DOI:
2018: Kemashalini, K., Prasantha, B.D.R., Chandrasiri, K.A.K.L. (2018). Physico-chemical properties of high and low amylose rice flour. Advances in Food Science and Engineering. 2(4), 115-124. (DOI: 10.22606/afse.2018.24003).
2018: Prasantha, B.D.R. (2018). Glycemic index of four traditional red pigmented rice. Integrative Food, Nutrition and Metabolism. 5(5), 1-3. DOI: doi.10.15761/IFNM.1000230)
2018: Prasantha, B.D.R. (2018). Prediction of Moisture Adsorption Characteristics of Dehydrated Fruits Using the GAB Isotherm Model. Annals of Agriculture and Crop Science 3(1), 1036-1039. (DOI: id1036 (2018)
2017: Somaratne, G.M., Prasantha, B.D.R., Dunuwila, G.R., Chandrasekara, A., Wijesinghe, D.G.N.G., and Gunasekara, D.C.S. (2017). Effect of polishing on glycemic index and antioxidant properties of red and white basmati rice. Food Chemistry. 237C, 716-723. (DOI:
2016: Hettiarachchi, H.A.P.W., Rebeira, S.P, Prasantha, B.D.R. and Wickramasinghe, H.A.M. (2016). Diversity of Physical and Cooking Quality Characters of Selected Traditional and Improved Rice Varieties in Sri Lanka. Sri Lankan Journal of Biology. 1(1), 15-26.
2015: Prasantha, B.D.R., Reichmuth, Ch., Adler, C. and Felgentreu, D. (2015). Lipid adsorption of diatomaceous earths and increased water permeability in the epicuticle layer of the cowpea weevil Callosobruchu smaculatus (F.) and the bean weevil Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say) (Chrysomelidae). Journal of Stored Products Research. 64 (A), 36-41. (DOI: 10.1016/j.jspr.2015.08.003)
2014: Prasantha, B.D.R., Hafeel, R.F., Wimalasiri, K.M.S. and Pathirana, U.P.D. (2014). End-use quality characteristics of hermetically stored paddy. Journal of Stored Product Research. 59, 158-166 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jspr.2014.07.003).
2014: Rebeira, S.P., Wickramasinghe, H.A.M., Samarasinghe, W.L.G. and Prasantha, B.D.R. (2014). Diversity of grain quality characteristics of traditional rice varieties in Sri Lanka. Tropical Agriculture Research. 25(4), 470-478.
Prasantha, B.D.R. (2020). Promising modified atmosphere storage methods to protect shelf-stable food commodities in Sri Lanka., 509-529. In: De Silva R.P., Pushpakumara, G., Prasada, P. and Weerahewa, J. (Eds.), Agriculture Research for sustainable Food System in Sri Lanka Volume II. Springer, Singapore. PP. 529
Recommended as a school library book by the educational publications advisory board, Ministry of Education, Sri Lanka. Number of the license: EPAB/2/9140
Rohitha Prasantha B.D. and Manamperi C., Dayarathne, V.C. (2014) “Ahara Parisanrakshanye Vidyathmaka Muladharma (Scientific Principles of Food Preservation)”. S. Godage and Brother Pvt. Ltd. Colombo, Sri Lanka. (ISBN: 978-955-30-4654-3)
Recommended as a library book by the educational publications advisory board, Ministry of Education, Sri Lanka. Number of the license: EPAB/2/9127
Rohitha Prasantha, B.D. (2009) Practical Guide to Food Process Technology – Food Process Engineering. Department of Food Science and Technology Faculty of Agriculture University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Publisher IRQUE project, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. (ISBN: 978-955-589-127-1).
Arampath, P.C., Rohitha Prasantha, B.D. and Upali Samarajeewa (2005). Bud to Brew: Quality Assurance in Tea Processing. A Science-based vision for the tea industry beyond ISO 22000 International Standard. A monograph by the Department of Food Science and Technology Faculty of Agriculture University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (ISBN 955-589-082-X).
Kemashalini, K. and Prasantha, B.D.R. (2018). Quality of string-hoppers prepared from high and low amylose rice flour. Proceedings of the International Research Symposium on Postharvest Technology. National Institute of Post-Harvest Management, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. Pp. 49-56.
Prasantha, B.D.R., K.M.H. Kumarasinha, K.M.H., Emitiyagoda, G.A.M.S. (2018). Storage of Mungbean in Hermetic PVC Tank. In. C.S. Adler et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection (IWCSPP) in Berlin, Germany, October 7-11, 2018. Julius-Kuhn-Archiv 463(1), Pp: 441-447. (DOI: doi.10.5073/jka.2018.463.098)
Prasantha, B.D.R., Prasadi, V.P.N. and Wimalasiri, K.M.S. (2014). Effect of Hermetic Storage on End-Use Quality of Mungbean. In: Arthur, F.H., Kengkanpanich, R., Chayaprasert, W. and Suthisut, D. (Eds.). Session 5: Fumigation, Hermetic Storage and Modified Atmospheres. Proceedings of the 11th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection, Chiang Mai, Thailand (24th -28th November 2014), Pp: 373-384.
Prasantha, B.D.R., Obenland, D., Walse, S., Johnson, J. (2012). High temperature CO2 treatments for inshell walnuts. International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Reductions. In: Gary Obenauf (Ed.), Proceedings of the Methyl Bromide Alternatives Outreach, Orlando, Florida, USA, 6th-8thNovember, 2012, Pp: 37.1-37.4. (
Prasantha, B.D.R., Reichmuth. Ch., Hetz, S.K. and Adler, C. (2002). Physiological aspects of diatomaceous earth treated cowpea weevil Callosobruchus maculatus (f.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae); Chemical and Physical Control. In: Credlan, P.E., Armitage, D.M., Bell. C.H., Cogan, P.M. and Highley, E. (Eds.). Advances in Stored Product Protection.Proceedings of 8th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection, York, UK (22-26 July 2002). I, 608-613.
Prasantha, B.D.R., Reichmuth, Ch. and Büttner, C. (2002). Effect of temperature and relative humidity on diatomaceous earth treated Callosobruchus maculatus (f.) and Acanthoscelides obtectus (say) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae); Chemical and Physical Control. In: Credlan, P.E., Armitage, D.M., Bell. C.H., Cogan, P.M. and Highley, E. (Eds.). Advances in Stored Product Protection. Proceedings of 8th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection, York, UK (22-26 July 2002). I, 763-767.
Prasantha, B.D.R., Reichmuth, Ch. and Büttner, C. (2002). Effect of diatomaceous earths on the reproductive performance Callosobruchus maculates (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae); Biology, Detection and Biological Control. Advances in Stored Product Protection. Proceedings of 8th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection, York, UK (22-26 July 2002). I, 208-216.
Prasantha, B.D.R., Reichmuth, Ch. and Strumpf.Th.(2002). Kinetics of diatomaceous earth (Fossil-shieldÒ) uptake by Callosobruchus maculates (F.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae); Biology, Detection and Biological Control. Advances in Stored Product Protection. Proceedings of 8th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection, York, UK (22-26 July 2002). I, 200-207.
Prasantha, B.D.R. (2002). Efficacy of burnt plant material smoke for protection of stored paddy against infestation of Sitophilus oryzae (L.). In: Adler, C., Navarro, S., Schöller, M. and Stengard-Hanse, L. (eds.), Working group “Integrated Protection in Stored Products”, Proceedings of the meeting in Lisbon, 3rd - 5th September 2001, Lisbon, Portugal. IOBC-WPRS Bulletin. 25, 171-176.
1. Patent Number 16410: BDR Prasantha; Development of an Instant-Breakfast Rice from Local Rice International Patent Classification (IPC): A23L1/182
2. Patent Number 18104: TDP Gallage & BDR Prasantha; Development of an Instant Avocado Powder International Patent Classification (IPC): A23B 7/024
3. Hermetic-type grain Storage PVC Tank: LK/1/2/11775 (Patent for engineering design)
Samantha L.S. and Rohitha Prasantha, B.D. (2009). Comprehensive Guide to ISO 22000 Food Safety Management system DVD, Virtual Comprehensive Guide to ISO 22000©, Food Safety Management System. Department of Food Science and Technology Faculty of Agriculture University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (ISBN 978-955-51591-0-4)
Ms. S.P. Rebeira: since 2018-to date: Diversity of grain physical physicochemical and nutraceutical properties of selected representative traditional and improved rice varieties in Sri Lanka. (PGIA Index No. PGIA/2012/386, Board of study of the Agriculture Biology) -Served as senior supervisor
1. Ms. H.A.P.W. Hettiarachchi -2018: Analysis of the rice grain quality characters of selected rice germplasm in Sri Lanka. M.Phil dissertation, PGIA, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Served as the senior supervisor
2. Ms. H.D.K. Drandakumbura - 2014: Effect of Variety and Processing on the Glycemic Index (GI) of Locally Grown Rice. M.Phil dissertation, PGIA, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Severed as Co-supervisor
3. Ms. V.P.N. Prasadi - 2014: Effect of Hermetic storage on physico-chemical and functional properties of grain legumes. M.Phil dissertation, PGIA, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Served as the senior supervisor
4. Ms. R.F. Hafeel-2010: Effect of Storage Methods on Grain Quality of Different Rice Varieties in Sri Lanka. M.Phil by research only dissertation, PGIA, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Served as the senior supervisor
Bandara, A.G.A., (2024) Physicochemical, cooking and moisture adsorption kinetics of basmati type rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties cultivated in Sri Lanka differing in amylose content. M.Sc. in Food Science and Technology by research dissertation, Food PGIA, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka - Served as senior supervisor