
Mr. N.Y. Jayanath (Yasendra Jayanath)

+94-718065286 | +94-812395062 |

Academic and Professional Qualifications

  • M.Sc. in Food Engineering & Bio-Process Technology (AIT, Thailand)
  • M.Sc. in Food & Nutrition (PGIA, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka)
  • Food Science & Technology, (University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka)


  • Lecturer - Department of Food Science and Technology - 2014 - to date
  • Lecturer (temporary) - Department of Nursing, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Peradeniya - 2012 - 2014
  • Lecturer (temporary) - Department of Agricultural Systems, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka - 2011
  • Research & Development Executive - Maliban Milk Products (pvt.) Ltd., Rathmalana, Sri Lanka - 2011
  • Lecturer (temporary) - Department of Food Science Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya - 2010-2011


  • Steering committee member of Young Scientists Forum (YSF) attached to the National Science and Technology Commission, Sri Lanka
  • Life member of YSF of National Science & Technology Commission of Sri Lanka
  • Senior Treasurer, Society of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya (2019-2020) and (2014-15).
  • Member of Nutrition Society of Sri Lanka.
  • Assistant Treasurer of Sri Lanka Inter-University Association for Food Science and Technology (2009-2010).Member of Institute of Applied Statistics, Sri Lanka.

The Areas of Expertise 

  • Food Processing
  • Food Engineering
  • Food Sanitation


Selected publications

Journal papers

  • Abeysekera, W. K. S. M., Jayathilaka, S. I., Abeysekera, W. P. K. M., Senevirathne, I. G. N. H., Jayanath, N. Y., Premakumara, G. A. S., & Wijewardana, D. C. M. S. I. (2022). In-vitro Determination of Anti-lipidemic, Anti-inflammatory & Anti-oxidant Properties and Proximate Composition of Range of Millet Types and Sorghum Varieties in Sri Lanka. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 368.
  • Senevirathne, I. G. N. H., Abeysekera, W. K. S. M., Abeysekera, W. P. K. M., Jayanath, N. Y., Galbada Arachchige, S. P., & Wijewardana, D. C. M. S. I. (2021). Antiamylase, Antiglucosidase, and Antiglycation Properties of Millets and Sorghum from Sri Lanka. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2021, 5834915.
  • Pandiselvam, R., Kaavya, R., Jayanath, Y., Veenuttranon, K., Lueprasitsakul, P., Divya, V., … Ramesh, S. V. (2020). Ozone as a novel emerging technology for the dissipation of pesticide residues in foods–a review. Trends in Food Science & Technology97, 38–54.
  • Lakshan S. A. T., Jayanath N. Y*., Abeysekera W. P. K. M, and Abeysekera W. K. S. M. (2019) “A Commercial Potential Blue Pea (Clitoria ternatea L.) Flower Extract Incorporated Beverage Having Functional Properties,” Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. 2019, Article ID 2916914, 13 pages, 2019.
  • Jayanath, N. Y., Nguyen, L. T., Vu, T. T., & Tran, L. D. (2018). Development of a portable electrochemical loop mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) device for detection of hepatitis B virus. RSC Advances, 8(61), 34954–34959. 


Book Chapters 

  • Nguyen, L.T., Ahmad, I. and Jayanath, N.Y. (2020). Dielectric Properties of Selected Seafood and their Products. In Encyclopedia of Marine Biotechnology, S.-K. Kim (Ed.).


Conference Proceedings

  • Wijelath, W.A.G.E., Jayanath, N.Y*., Senevirathne, D., Guruge, T. and Madhujith, T. (2019). Optimization of the Methanolic Extraction Procedure for Chemical Preservatives in Ready to Serve Jelly Drinks by Response Surface Methodology. Proceedings of the International Research Conference of UWU-2019. 591.
  • Jayathilaka, S. I., Abeysekera, W. P. K. M., Abeysekera, W. K. S. M., Jayanath, N. Y., Premakumara, G. A. S. and Wijewardana, D. C. M. S. I. (2019). Anti-oxidant and Anti-inflammatory activities of Selected Millet Types and Sorghum Varieties of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 39th annual sessions of the institute of biology, 27th September 2019, Pp 62.
  • Jayanath N.Y., Abeysekera W.K.S.M., Illeperuma C.K and Premakumara G.A.S.  (2010) Antiglucosidase activity of Khomba Arka and development of a beverage using Khomba Arka. Proceedings of the Peradeniya University Research Session, Sri Lanka. 15:1-3
  • Lakshan, S.A.T., Jayanath, N.Y*., Abeysekera, W.P.K.M. and Abeysekera, W.K.S.M. (2017). Optimization of hot water extract of Blue Pea flower (Clitoria ternatea L.) by response surface methodology. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Health & Medicine, Colombo, Sri Lanka. 96.
  • Wijelath, W.A.G.E., Jayanath, N.Y*., Senevirathne, D., Guruge, T. and Madhujith, T. (2018). Determination of the level of benzoic and sorbic acids and synthetic dyes in fruit jellies available for sale in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Sessions of the Nutrition Society of Sri Lanka, Colombo, Sri Lanka. 20.
  • Jayawardhana D.N., Jayanath N.Y*. and Perera N. (2015). Development of cereal and pulse based yoghurt for toddlers. Proceedings of the Peradeniya University International Research Session, Sri Lanka. 19: 159.

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