
Ms. A.M.D.M. Adhikari

+94704812437 | |

Academic and Professional Qualifications


B.Sc. (Sp.Hons.) in Agricultural Technology & Management, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (2023)

NVQ Level IV in Information and Communication Technology, National Youth Services Council (Ministry of National Policies and Economics Affairs), Sri Lanka (2018)

Diploma in English, National Youth Services Council (Ministry of National Policies and Economics Affairs), Sri Lanka (2018)


Temporary Research Assistant, Agricultural Biotechnology Centre, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya (Present)

ICT Trainee in Department of Samurdhi Office, District Secretariat, Kurunegala (January 2018 – July 2018)


Adhikari, A.M.D.M., Rajapaksha, G.D.S.P., Vidanarachchi, J.K. and Bandaranayake, P.C.G. (2024). Do Different Carrageenan Extraction Methods Influence on the Carrageenan Yield, Carrageenan Fraction and Gel Strength of a Marine Red Seaweed, Kappaphycus alvarezii (Elkhorn Sea Moss or Doty)?,  Proceedings of the Faculty of Agriculture Undergraduate Research Symposium, 26th of March 2024.

Adhikari, A.M.D.M., Rajapaksha, G.D.S.P., Vidanarachchi, J.K. and Bandaranayake, P.C.G. (2024). Can the Demand for Commercial Carrageenan be fulfilled by Extracting Carrageenan from the Marine Red Seaweed, Kappaphycus alvarezii (Elkhorn Sea Moss)?, International Conference, NARA Scientific Sessions 2024 (Submitted).

Adhikari, A.M.D.M., Abhayagunasekara, A.V.C., Bandaranayake, A. and Bandaranayake, P.C.G. (2024). Transcriptome Profile of the Endemic Wild Rice Oryza rhizomatis Vaughan in Response to Drought, Peradeniya University International Research Sessions and Exposition 2024.



Research brief in Sinhala language: Do Different Carrageenan Extraction Methods Influence on the Carrageenan Yield, Carrageenan Fraction and Gel Strength of a Marine Red Seaweed, Kappaphycus alvarezii (Elkhorn Sea Moss or Doty); Hanthana Blossoms, 26th March 2024.


S.F.H. Perera Memorial Prize awarded to the student who shows the greatest competence at the 4000 series examination in B.Sc. (Sp.Hons.) in Agricultural Technology & Management Degree, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, 2023.

Selected as final oral presenter from Department of Animal Science for the technical session of Faculty of Agriculture Undergraduate Research Symposium (FAuRS) 2023.

Dean’s List Scholar of B.Sc. (Sp.Hons.) in Agricultural Technology and Management Degree in recognition of first class GPA in the 3rd year 1st semester examination in 2021/2022 academic year.

Dean’s List Scholar of B.Sc. (Sp.Hons.) in Agricultural Technology and Management Degree in recognition of first class GPA in the 3rd year 2nd semester examination in 2021/2022 academic year.

Dean’s List Scholar of B.Sc. (Sp.Hons.) in Agricultural Technology and Management Degree in recognition of first class GPA in the 4th year 1st semester examination in 2022/2023 academic year.

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