
Ms. I.D.K.S.D. Ariyawanse

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Academic and Professional Qualifications

  • October, 2020 -2023: Reading for PhD, The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Kagoshima University, Japan
  • 2018-2020: M.Sc. in Organizational Management, Board of Study - Agricultural Extension, Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
  • 2014-2018: Agricultural Technology and Management (Majored in Development Communication and Organizational Management) Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya
  • Lecturer (Probationary) - Department of Agricultural Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya: September, 2021 to present
  • Field Coordinator on Climate Smart Agriculture:
  • United Nations Development Program (“Climate Resilient Integrated Water Management Project” CRIWMP), Sri Lanka: June, 2019 to 2020
  • Temporary Lecturer - Department of Agricultural Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya: March, 2018 - 2019
  • Trainer (Part-time contract) - “General awareness training on climate change adaptation, climatic vulnerability, resilience and climate smart agriculture for government officers of Northern and North-western provinces”, under the “Climate Resilient Integrated Water Management Project” (CRIWMP), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment, Sri Lanka - 2018In-plant trainee - “Strengthening the resilience of post conflict development to climate change risks in Sri Lanka (C-CAP Project), implemented by the Ministry of Disaster Management and UNDP - Sri Lanka – 2017
  • Environmental Sociology
  •  Rural community development
  • Common Pool Resources
  • Social-Ecological systems
  • Adaptation


  • Ariyawanshe, I.D.K.S.D., Fujimura, M, Abeyrathne, A.H.M.S.W.B., Wijesundara, W.M.G.D., and Fernando, K.W.C.K. (2021). Rural Home-Gardens as an Incentive to Engage Inhabitants for Sustainable Management of Minor Irrigation-tank Eco-Systems in Dry Zone of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of Cascade Ecology & Management – 2021. University of Peradeniya. 17th- 18th September, 2021, 122-124 
  • Gow, G. A., Dissanayeke, U., Jayathilake, C. K., Kumarasinghe, I., Ariyawanshe, K., and Rathnayake, S. (2020). ICT Leadership Education for Agricultural Extension in Sri Lanka: Assessing a Technology Stewardship Training Program. International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology, 16(1), 107-125
  • Gow, G. A., Dissanayeke, U., Jayathilake, C. K., Kumarasinghe, I., Ariyawanshe, K., and Rathnayake, S. (2020). Technology Stewardship Training for Agricultural Communities of Practice: Establishing a Participatory Action Research Program in Sri Lanka. In Evolving Perspectives on ICTs in Global Souths: 11th International Development Informatics Association Conference, IDIA 2020, Macau, China, March 25–27, 2020, Proceedings 11 (pp. 110-124). Springer International Publishing
  • Ariyawanse, I.D.K.S.D., 2020. A Study on Climate Change Adaptation of Minor-Tank Based Dry Zone Farmers in Maha-Nanneriya Cascade System, Sri Lanka”. Journal of Agriculture Extension Association” (JAEA), Sri Lanka Agricultural Extension Association. Volume 01. Issue 01, 2020
  • Ariyawanse, I.D.K.S.D., Wanigasundera, W.A.D.P., Punyawardena, B.V.R. and Abeyrathne, A.H.M.S.W.B. 2017. Determinants of Climate Change Adaptation of farmers in Maha-Nanneriya cascade system. Proceedings of the Faculty of Agriculture Undergraduate Research Symposium held in Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 12th January, 2018. pp. 184
  • Abeyrathne, A.H.M.S.W.B., Ariyawanse, I.D.K.S.D. and Charuni, H.M.S.H. 2017. The significance of “Kalinguwa” in Minor Irrigation Tanks for Climate Change Adaptation - A case study of Molewa tank, Galgamuwa. “Local Action: Global Thinking, Voices from the Field” GEF-SGP UNDP Sri Lanka. July, 2017. pp. 158 ISBN: 978-955-1031-57-2
  • Ariyawanse, I.D.K.S.D. 2017. Productivity Enhancement of Sri Lankan Dairy Farmers through Training. Agricultural Extension in South Asia, http://www.aesagfras. net/blogs.php. Blog 74, November, 2017
  • Ariyawanse, I.D.K.S.D. and Abhayarathne, M.H.R. 2016. Promoting Environmental Justice through Pollution Prevention and Organic Gardening in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 16th International Students Summit on Food, Agriculture and Environment in the New Century by Tokyo University of Agriculture, Tokyo, Japan. 30th September, 2016. pp. 74-75
  • Role of Collective Action in dry zone village-tank based farming communities in Sri Lanka, A case study conducted at Medde-Rambewa Cascade System, Nawagattegama, Puttalam District 



  • Japanese Government scholarship awardee (offered by the Ministry of Education,Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan) – 2020 to 2023
  • “Professor A.T. Mosher Gold Medal for Academic Excellence in Agricultural Extension” offered by the Faculty of Agriculture at the General Convocation,University of Peradeniya - 2017
  • S.F.H. Memorial prize (for academic excellence in 4100 series Final examination) offered by the Faculty of Agriculture at the General Convocation, University of Peradeniya - 2017
  • Best oral presenter of the session on Decision making tools and Socio-economic Development: Faculty of Agriculture Undergraduate Research Symposium (FAURS) - 2017
  • “Best performer in team” at the “Rural Immersion Program” offered by Thiagarajah School of Management, Madurai, India – 2017
  • Delegate - “International Students’ Summit - 2016”, on Food, Agriculture and Environment in the New Century, Tokyo University of Agriculture, Japan (September 23rd – October 2nd, 2016)


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