
Mr. P.C.B. Alahakoon

0782469125 | |

Academic and Professional Qualifications

MSc Psychology - Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom (2014/2015)

Postgraduate Diploma in Psychology - Department of Philosophy and Psychology, Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (2012/2013)

BSc Agricultural Technology & Management, Majored in Development Communication & Organisational Management - Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (2007/2011 PUBLICATIONS Journal Articles)



  • Premkumar, P., Alahakoon, P., Smith, M., Kumari, V., Babu, D., & Baker, J. (2021) Mild-to-moderate schizotypal traits relate to physiological arousal from social stress. Stress, 24:3, pp 303-317, DOI: 10.1080/10253890.2020.1797674
  • Navaratne, N.W.M.G.S., Wanigasundera, W.A.D.P. and Alahakoon, P.C.B. (2019) Perceptions of Climate Change and Adaptation of Climate Smart Technology by the Tea Smallholders: A Case Study of Ratnapura District in Sri Lanka. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, 36 (3), pp. 1-18, DOI: 10.9734/ajaees/2019/v36i330244
  • Wanigasundera, W.A.D.P. and Alahakoon P.C.B. (2014) Perceptions of Climate Change and Adaptation of Climate-Smart Technology by the Paddy Farmers: A Case Study of Kandy District in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Social, Human Science and Engineering, 8 (4), pp. 191- 203, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1092024


  • Navaratne, N.W.M.G.S., Wanigasundera, W.A.D.P. and Alahakoon, P.C.B. (2019) ‘Perceived Livelihood Status of Tea Smallholders Suffered from Extreme Weather in Ratnapura District of Sri Lanka’, Proceedings, Peradeniya University International Research Sessions. Peradeniya, 11-12Sep 2019.University of Peradeniya, p. 4.
  • Alahakoon P.C.B. and Samaradiwakara, G.D.M.N. (2018) ‘Inter Library Loan Data as a Collection Development and Appraisal Criteria for the Electronic Journal Databases in the University of Sri Jayewardenepura’, Proceedings, International Conference of University Librarians Association of Sri Lanka. Colombo, 20September 2018. University Librarians Association, pp. 65-80.
  • Alahakoon P.C.B., Samarawickrama A.J.P.and Angammana A.M.S. (2018)‘Citation Analysis of Postgraduate Theses in the Field of Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing’, National Conference on Library & Information Science. Colombo, 28June 2018. Sri Lanka Library Association, pp. 119-120.
  • Alahakoon, P. and Premkumar, P. (2017) ‘Association Between Schizotypy and PhysiologicallyMeasured Social Anxiety’, Proceedings Manual, International Conference on Applied Psychology. Colombo, 25-27August 2017. Colombo Institute of Research Psychology, p.17.
  • Alahakoon, P.C.B., Wanigasundera,W.A.D.P.and Pallawala, R. (2012) ‘Climate Change and its Awareness among Paddy Farmers in Central province of Sri Lanka’,In: B. Nimalathasan, A. Ramanan and K. Thabotharan. Eds. Proceedings of the Abstracts, Jaffna University International Research Conference. Jaffna, 20-21July 2012. University of Jaffna, p. 4.
  • Alahakoon, P.C.B., Wanigasundera, W.A.D.P. and Pallawala, R. (2011) ‘Adaptation to the Climate Change of Rain-Fed Paddy Farmers in Mid Country Wet and Intermediate Zones of Kandy District’, Proceedings, National Symposium on Undergraduate Research in Agricultural Extension and Organizational Management. Peradeniya, 11 November 2011. Sri Lanka Agricultural Extension Association, pp. 1-3. 


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