Production Unit

Plant Nursery

The plant nursery has all the facilities for good management of plants and for plant propagation practical training. These include facilities to conduct training programs on budding, grafting, layering, and other plant propagation techniques using well-trained and skilled staff. This nursery supplies sufficient numbers of quality annual and perennial horticultural crop plants to the plant sales center at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University at Peradeniya and sells the propaguls on site at the farm.

Boat on Calm Water Wintry Mountain Landscape
Mountains in the Clouds
Waves at Sea

Mushroom Cultivation Unit

This unit was developed in 2009 to enhance the knowledge of mushroom cultivation of undergraduate students and external trainees. The unit is offers practical knowledge on all the techniques of oyster mushroom production. It encourages trainees to initiate mushroom cultivation as self-employment programs. In addition, this unit provides research facilities for undergraduate students and academia of the university.

Boat on Calm Water Wintry Mountain Landscape
Mountains in the Clouds Boat on Calm Water
Waves at Sea

Organic Farming

There is a land reserved for organic agriculture experiments. This field has not received any agro chemicals for the last 10 years. The unit has a compost production unit, which is used for practical classes by students and for research.

Vegetable and Food Production

Approximately 25% of the unit is reserved to commercial vegetable and fruit production. A wide range of vegetables and fruits such as mango, banana, jack fruit, Anona and pomegranate are grown on this land.

Boat on Calm Water
Mountains in the Clouds Mountains in the Clouds
Mountains in the Clouds

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