

The ELTU commences a six-month Professional English Course for the non-academic staff at of the Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture (PGIA)

The Professional English Course offered by English Language Teaching Unit (ELTU) is a comprehensive language programme designed to enhance the English language proficiency of non-academic staff for the Post Graduate Institute in Agriculture. This course is tailored to meet the specific language needs of staff members who require effective communication skills in English for their professional responsibilities.

The course is designed to help participants develop their speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in English, with a focus on practical and job-specific language use. The course curriculum includes a range of activities and exercises designed to build participants' confidence in using English in their workplace.

The course covers a range of language-related topics, including grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure, and pronunciation. The curricul

um is developed by experienced language instructors who are trained to provide personalized feedback and guidance to each participant.

The course is delivered through a range of teaching methods, including lectures, discussions, group activities, and individual assignments. Participants are provided with access to a range of learning materials, including textbooks, audio and video materials, and online resources, to support their language learning.

The course is designed to be flexible and can be tailored to meet the specific language needs of different departments and job roles. Participants can choose to attend the course on a full-time or part-time basis, depending on their work schedule.

Upon completion of the course, participants will have developed their English language skills and will be able to communicate effectively in a range of workplace situations. This course provides an excellent opportunity for non-academic staff members to enhance their professional skills and improve their job performance.

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