October 2021 – March 2025 Ph.D. in Animal Science and Agriculture, Obihiro University of Agriculture and
Veterinary Medicine, Japan (Major: Reproductive Pathophysiology)
2013 - 2016 B.Sc. in Animal Science and Fisheries, Faculty of
Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Hulugalla, M., Mansouri, A., Waehama, E., Akthar, A., & Miyamoto, A. (2025). Semen extender triggers a mild physiological inflammatory response in the uterus without disrupting sperm-uterine immune crosstalk in vitro in cattle. Journal of Reproduction and Development, 71 (1): 24–34.
Si, J., Dai, D., Gorkhali, N. M., Wang, M., Wang, S., Sapkota, S., Kadel, R. C., Sadaula, A., Dhakal, A., Faruque, M. O., Omar, A. I., Sari, E. M., Ashari, H., Dagong, M. I. A., Yindee, M., Rushdi, H. E., Elregalaty, H., Amin, A., Radwan, M. A., . . . Zhang, Y. (2025). Complete Genomic Landscape Reveals Hidden Evolutionary History and Selection Signature in Asian Water Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis). Advanced Science, 12 (4):
Silva, G. L. L. P., Punyawardena, B. V. R., Hettiarachchi, A. K., Hulugalla, W. M. M. P., & Lokuge, G. M. S. (2021). Assessing thermal neutral zones in Sri Lanka for ten different dairy cattle breeds and crosses: An approach using temperature humidity index (THI). International Journal of Livestock Production. 12 (12):112-121.
Hulugalla, M., Akthar, A. Waehama, E., Yousef, M.S. and Miyamoto, A. Semen extender supports the sperm-triggered uterine innate immune response in vitro in cattle. Proceedings of Society of Reproduction and Development. Research symposium held in Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, 22nd -25th September 2024 pp:99
Poorni S., Anupama N.M.T., Hulugalla W.M.M.P., Nethmini N., Jayawardana B., Wijemanna I., Ranathunga L. 2024 Computational Insights into the Antiviral Potential of Longispinogenin and Sitakisogenin Against African Swine Fever Virus DNA Ligase. Proceedings of the Peradeniya University International Research Symposium and Exposition. 29th and 30th August 2024 December.
Poorni S., Hulugalla W.M.M.P., Anupama N.M.T., Nethmini N., Jayawardana B., Yomal J., Ranathunga L. 2024 In Silico Quest: Gymnema sylvestre's Chemical Arsenal Against Influenza a Virus Neuraminidase. Proceedings of the Peradeniya University International Research Symposium and Exposition. 29th and 30th August 2024.
Godage, G.G.C.P., Ekanayake, W.E.M.L.J. and Hulugalla, W.M.M.P. 2021, Characterization of the Nutritional and Botanical Composition of Naturally Grown Pastures in Mahakanamulla Cascade System in North Central Province, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 7th Faculty of Agriculture Undergraduate Research Symposium held in Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya Sri Lanka, 13th August 2021 pp:8.
Jayasinghe, K.S.K., Vidanarachchi, J.K., Hulugalla, W.M.M.P. and Ekanayake, W.E.M.L.J. 2021, Nutritional Composition of Hydroponically Grown Green Maize (Zea maize) Fodder as a Pure Stand and Mixture with Sun hemp (Crotalaria juncea). Proceedings of the 7th Faculty of Agriculture Undergraduate Research Symposium held in Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya Sri Lanka, 13th August 2021 pp:47.
Wijemanna, B.U.R., Vidanarachchi, J.K., Ekanayake, W.E.M.L.J., Hulugalla, W.M.M.P., Mangalika, U.L.P., Lokuge, G.M.S., Priyashantha, H., Fernando, G.K.V. and Jayarathna, W.N. 2021, Provision of Yeast Extract-based Supplementation to Crossbred Jersey-Friesian Dairy Cows in an Intensive Dairy Farming System in Sri Lanka did not Influence the Milk Yield or Composition. Proceedings of the 7th Faculty of Agriculture Undergraduate Research Symposium held in Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya Sri Lanka, 13th August 2021 pp: 53.
Isuru, V.P.T., Ekanayake, W.E.M.L.J. and Hulugalla, W.M.M.P. 2021, Effect of Non-destructive Repellent Method on Sri Lankan Monkey (Toque macaque). Proceedings of the 7th Faculty of Agriculture Undergraduate Research Symposium held in Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya Sri Lanka, 13th August 2021 pp:87.
Prabath, W.M.H.J., Samarakone T.S., Hulugalla W.M.M.P., Abeyrathna, R.M.R.D., Silva, F.H.C.A. and Ekanayake, E.M.A.C. 2021, Infrared Thermography as a Method to Evaluate the Heat Stress in Weaned Pigs: Relationship between Infrared Measured Body Surface Temperature and rectal Temperature in Weaned Pigs. Proceedings of the 7th Faculty of Agriculture Undergraduate Research Symposium held in Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya Sri Lanka, 13th August 2021 pp:99.
Chathurika, H.M.M., Vidanarachchi, J.K., Dulanjaya, K.W.G.A.C., Hulugalla, W.M.M.P., and Vijesuriya, I.G.I. (2018) Quality Analysis of Milk Samples Collected from Dairy Farmers in Puttalam District, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 6th Faculty of Agriculture Undergraduate Research Symposium 2018 held in Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya Sri Lanka.
Liyanage, K.L.D.B.P., Samarasinghe, K., Vidanarachchi, J.K., Hulugalla, W.M.M.P., and Korale Gedara, P.M. 2018 Consumer Perception of Organic Animal-based Foods in Colombo District, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Faculty of Agriculture Undergraduate Research Symposium 2018 held in Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya Sri Lanka.
Gunawardana, H.P.G.P.S., Vidanarachchi, J.K., Silva, G.L.L.P., Hulugalla, W.M.M.P., and Jayawardana, A.S. 2018. Estimating Carbon Footprint for Milk Produced up to Farm Gate at Cattle Farms in Kurunegala District, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Faculty of Agriculture Undergraduate Research Symposium 2018 held in Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya Sri Lanka.
Prathibha, T.H.N., Vidananarachchi, J.K., Hulugalla, W.M.M.P., Ranadheera, C.S. and Wijethilaka, W.G.R. 2018. Compositional Changes Occurred due to Mastitis in Raw Milk: A Case Study Conducted at a Large- Scale Dairy Farm in Low Country, Dry Zone in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Faculty of Agriculture Undergraduate Research Symposium 2017 held in Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya Sri Lanka.
Hulugalla, W.M.M.P., Vidanarachci, J.K., Lundh, A.S., Johanson, M., Ranadheera C.S., and Mangalika, U.L.P. 2016 Investigation of Microbial Quality, Somatic Cell Count and Lipolytic Activity of Raw Milk Collected from Galaha and Thaluthuoya Veterinary Ranges. Proceedings of the Faculty of Agriculture Undergraduate Research Symposium 2016 held in Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya Sri Lanka, 16th December 2016.
Training on Teaching Methodologies. Staff Development Centre, University of Peradeniya.
Teaching Experience:
As an instructor
Faculty of Agriculture
1. AS 2101 Anatomy, Physiology and Health Management of Farm Animals
2. AS 2202 Poultry and Swine Production
3. AS 3203 Applied Animal Physiology
4. ASF 1102 Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals
5. ASF 2102 Animal Environmental Physiology
6. ASF 3106 Livestock and Fish Legislation
7. ASF 4102 Animal Quarantine and Bio-security
Obihiro University Scholarship to follow Doctoral Degree in Obihiro University of
Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Japan.