Agricultural Economist, International Water Management Institute (2007 - 2009)
Visiting Fellow, University of Peradeniya (2004-2005)
Instructor/Teaching Assistant/Research Assistant, University of Peradeniya (1994 -1997)
Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science ( Member for Life since 1994, president - social sciences section 2012)
Sri Lanka Agricultural Economics Association (Member for Life- since 2003, President 2012/13)
Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka
Other Credentials
2002: Facilitated initiation of a joint capacity-building program between the Sri Lanka Council for
Agricultural Research Policy and International Food Policy Research Institute. This activity
provided training for young academics from the national agricultural research system and
universities in Sri Lanka.
Weligamage, P., Shumway, C. R. and Blatner, K. A. (2014), Water access, farm productivity, and farm household income: Sri Lanka's Kirindi Oya irrigation system. Agricultural Economics, 45: 649–661. doi: 10.1111/agec.12113
Abeykoon M.N.D.F., Weerahewa J., Weligamage P., Silva G.L.L.P. (2014). Willingness to pay for chicks of different indigenous chicken types: an application of experimental auctions. Tropical Agricultural Research. Vol. 26 (1): 162 – 174
Namara, Regassa E., Meredith Giordano, Priyanie Amerasinghe, , ParakramaWeligamage, Ananda Weerasinghe, S.R. Jayanetti, and A.M.G. Manel Yapabandara (2008). An Impact Assessment of Malaria Control through Environmental and Irrigation Water Management. Ceylon Journal of Science (Biological Sciences). 37 (1). 107-128.
Namara, Regassa E., D. Bossio, P. Weligamage and Indika Herath. (2008). The practice and effects of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in Sri Lanka. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, 47(1):5-23.
Kikuchi, M., R. Barker, P. Weligamage and M. Samad. 2002. The Irrigation Sector in Sri Lanka: Recent Investment Trends and the Development Path Ahead. Research Report 62. Colombo: International Water Management Institute.
Kikuchi, M., P. Weligamage, R. Barker, M. Samad, H. Kono and H. M. Somaratne. 2003. Agro-Well and Pump in Irrigation Schemes in the Dry Zone of Sri Lanka: Past Trends, Present Status and Future Prospects. Research Report 66. Colombo: International Water Management Institute.
Namara, Regassa E., P. Weligamage and R. Barker. 2003. The prospects of system of rice intensification adoption in Sri Lanka: a socioeconomic assessment. Research Report 75. International Water Management Institute.
Barker, Randolph, M. Samad. Parakrama Weligamage and Masao Kikuchi. (2001). Declining Comparative Advantage in Rice Production: Policy Options Facing Sri Lanka. Economic Review. 27(8&9) 27-30.
Weligamage, P. R. Barker, Intizar Hussain, Upali Amarasinghe and M. Samad. 2002. World Irrigation and Water Statistics -2002 (With a Guide to Data Sources). Colombo: International Water Management Institute.
Kikuchi, M., R. Barker, P. Weligamage and M. Samad. 2002. The Irrigation Sector in Sri Lanka: Recent Investment Trends and the Development Path Ahead. Research Report 62. Colombo: International Water Management Institute.
Kikuchi, M., P. Weligamage, R. Barker, M. Samad, H. Kono and H. M. Somaratne. 2003. Agro-Well and Pump in Irrigation Schemes in the Dry Zone of Sri Lanka: Past Trends, Present Status and Future Prospects. Research Report 66. Colombo: International Water Management Institute.
Namara, Regassa E., P. Weligamage and R. Barker. 2003. The prospects of system of rice intensification adoption in Sri Lanka: a socioeconomic assessment. Research Report 75. International Water Management Institute.
Weligamage, P. 2005. Bringing Hambantota Back To Normal: A post-tsunami livelihoods needs assessment of Hambantota district in southern Sri Lanka. (
Aditi Mukherji, Blanka Fuleki, Tushaar Shah, Diana Suhardiman, Mark Giordano, Parakrama Weligamage. 2009. Irrigation reform in Asia: A review of 108 cases of irrigation management transfer. Final Report Submitted to the Asian Development Bank by IWMI.
Abeygunawardena, P. and P. Weligamage. 1995. "The Future Role of IRDP in the Context of Economic Liberalisation", In. Ed. Integrated Rural Development Programme: 15 years Experience in Sri Lanka. Colombo, Sri Lanka. Ministry of Finance, Planning, Ethnic Affairs and National Integration. Pp. 121-134.
Konredsen, F., Rekha Mehra and P. Weligamage. 1999. "Domestic Uses of Water", Ch. 6 In Eds. M. Bakker, R. Barker, R. Meinzen Dick and F. Konredsen. Multiple Uses of Water in Irrigated Areas: A Case Study from Sri Lanka. SWIM Paper 8. Colombo: International Irrigation Management Institute.
Kikuchi, M., R. Barker, M. Samad and P. Weligamage. 2002. Comparative advantage of rice production in Sri Lanka with special reference to irrigation costs. In. Developments in the Asian rice economy. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Medium- and Long-term Prospects of Rice Supply and Demand in the 21st Century, 3-5 December
2001. Los Bonos, Philippines M. Sombilla, M. Hossain, and B. Hardy. Editors. Los Bonos, (Philippines): International Rice Research Institute. Pp. 343-368.
Kikuchi, M., R. Barker, M. Samad and P. Weligamage. 2002. Comparative Advantage of Rice Production in an Ex-rice Importing Country: The Case of Sri Lanka. In Acharya S.S, Surjit Singh and Vidya Sagar. Eds. Sustainable Agriculture, Poverty and Food Security. Vol I. Rawat Publishers: Jaipur. Pp 356-380.
Weligamage, P. and T. Jogaratnam. 1994. "Sources of Output Growth in Paddy in Sri
Lanka", In Proceedings of Annual Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for the
Advancement of Science 50(1). Colombo: Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of
Weligamage, P.1998. Nature and Distribution of Major Irrigation Systems in Sri Lanka
and Their Potential for Aqua-culture Development. Proceedings of the Stakeholder
Workshop- Fish in Irrigation Systems Technology Project. University of Stirling and
University of Newcastle, pp. 12-40.