The Board of Study (BS) in Agricultural Economics is the centre of teaching and research in applied economics of the Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture. The BS trains graduates who would be capable in advising and guiding policy makers, industrialists, Non Governmental Organizations, farmers and other interest parties to understand the past and present structure of agriculture. The BS offers three M.Sc. degree programmes, Agricultural Economics (AE), Environmental Economics (EE) and Natural Resource Management (NRM). The Board offers the M.Sc. programme in AE to provide students a fundamental understanding of economic principles and their application to identify and solve relevant problems in agriculture and related fields. The programmes also strives to develop appropriate analytical, methodological and communication skills to analyse agricultural problems effectively and explain findings. The objective of the M.Sc. programme in EE is to provide rigorous training in the subject to produce professional environmental economists who could conduct environmental policy analysis which is a nationally important aspect. The M.Sc. programme in NRM trains professionals for management and coordination of environmental and natural resource projects. The BS also offers a Postgraduate Diploma in Development Practices and Management (PDDPM) and M.Phil. and Ph.D. degree programmes. Those who obtain degrees and diplomas offered by the BS enter into a variety of organization such as governmental ministries, universities, NGOs, research institutes and the private sector organizations as economists, trainers, consultants and managers to use the knowledge and skills gained during their study programmes at the Institute.
The Board of Study was established to cater to the demand for high calibre management professionals, academics and researchers. The Board of Study offers three-degree programmes MBA, DBA and PhD. The MBA programme aims to provide students with a sound theoretical base on business and management in order to prepare them to hold general management responsibilities. The DBA programme focuses on training professionals who are looking for new intellectual challenges posed by practical research problems to sharpen their applied research skills needed for creating value for their organizations whereas the PhD programme focuses mainly on training academics and researchers in the fields of Business and Management to sharpen their research skills while contributing to the advancement of the management theory.