

Prof. RS Dharmakeerthi, Dr AK Karunarathna

A Scalable Bio-based Solution to Eliminate Cyanotoxins in Drinking Water


36 Months


Dr. P Manage, Dr. M Munasinghe, Dr. O. Masek, Dr. K Campbell, Dr L Lawton Prof. RS Dharmakeerthi, Dr AK Karunarathna

Principle Investigator / Team Leader

Prof. C. Edwards

The overarching aim of this research is to develop a scalable bio-based strategy to eliminate cyanotoxins (blue-green algal
toxins) in drinking water which are known to frequently occur in dug wells in Sri Lanka and are thought to be linked to an
increasing occurrence of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKDu) and other adverse health effects. Part of the project will be conducted in University of Sri Jayawardanapura and University of Peradeniya (Faculty of Veterinary Medicin and Animal Science, and Faculty of Agriculture). The funding available for University of Peradeniya is Rs.44Million.  Work at the University of Peradeniya commenced in March 2021.

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